Target Organizational Strategy

COMPASS: Critical leadership communication and direction from within an organization


Regardless of size, lack of clear vision and global direction will severely impair organizational performance. It is critical that leadership communication about mission and direction from within an organization is both authentic and focused.

Top business, ecclesiastic, and non-profit research studies have shown that staff and volunteers are not opposed to following a senior team’s leadership and vision as long as the leaders have taken the necessary steps to help staff develop trust in the direction and vision of those leaders and the organization as a whole.

Organizational Strategy services help your organization with:

  • Vision and Mission
  • Team Resonance
  • Global or Key Directives
  • Service and Market Direction
  • Transition & Change Management

Clarity and consistency of strategy, message, and communication will keep an organization focused. Passion and a clear vision will keep your organization moving forward and will save precious resources. Let Progenisys help you find your true direction…

Because direction only matters if you know where you want to go.


Step 1: Evaluate

We complete a comprehensive analysis with each client, laying a foundation and allowing us to deliver the exact services and products needed to achieve the desired result.

Step 2: Strengthen

Greater levels of performance and awareness are the goal. Like exercise, our products and services are delivered with the understanding that our clients will be stronger after targeting a particular area.

Step 3: Promote

Progenisys is a teach-to-lead firm. The end goal ultimately is to achieve client self- sustainability. Our clients are provided a level of awareness so they can continue to improve themselves.

Organizational Strategy Sessions:

War Game Strategy Sessions give leaders the opportunity to brainstorm, collaborate, and develop action plans for the most important “what-if” situations. War Gaming offers your team a hands- on, clarifying, and memorable interaction within each “what-if” scenario.

Senior Leadership Retreats:

An opportunity for your senior team to spend a set amount of time, focusing on crucial issues that may greatly impact the future success of your organization.

Organizational Transition:

Transition Coaching helps teams or individuals successfully manage and maneuver thru the potential set-backs and unforeseen issues that may seriously derail the positive growth of significant life or organizational transition.

Mission/Vision Development:

Every business wants to be successful, but success may not be defined the same by everyone within a team, project, or organization. An unclear or ill-defined mission or vision can set success back weeks, months, or indefinitely, due to loss of hours and revenues when leaders are trying to consistently “recast” and “redefine” poorly executed vision strategies.